What kind of events are captured in the history?
Run history captures all the key create/edit/remove events of run artifacts as well as run status transitions:
Run creation
Run scheduling
Run finishing
Add plan
Remove plan
Plan synchronizations
Add instructions to testers
Edit instructions to testers
Add testing notes
Edit testing notes
Add device pool
Edit device pool
Add build
Remove build
Edit task
Remove task
Does the history shows activity before the Run is scheduled or only after the Run is scheduled?
History persists throughout different run statuses, meaning, from the creation of the run onwards, regardless of whether it is scheduled or not.
Will it be added to Reports > Activity?
Yes, Runs will be added to the Activity log in future iterations
Will it be added to Reports > Activity?
No. Run history only shows that a newer version of the plan was synced to this run and shows which plans were synchronised so you can see the exact changes in plan history.