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FAQ About Utilization Reports

Answers to common questions you may have about out hours Utilization Report

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over a year ago

Here you can find answers to these common questions:

What's the difference between Engagement and Workspace level reports?

Understanding our client data levels

Our client data is structured in 3 levels: Client, Engagement and Workspace. You can have multiple Workspaces belonging to one single Engagement and multiple engagements belonging to one single client. For any company that we work with, we only create one Client entity on our platform. Each Engagement that is under that Client entity represents a separate billing entity that we work with. For example, if your company Acme, Inc. has two different departments Acme Financial Software and Acme Sporting Goods that each have their own subscription of hours with Testlio that are not shared, they would be separate Engagements. Each engagement may have several workspaces that are a collection of their own tests, issues, and other artefacts, that are not shared with other workspaces. All workspaces within an engagement share that engagement's hours.

Workspace level report

The workspace level report is located within the Reports module of a workspace. It shows all the activity carried out within that workspace. You can use the Engagement Overview to navigate from here to the engagement level report.

Engagement level report

The engagement level report does not have the same main navigation as a workspace as it is not part of the workspace. It sits above all workspaces and acts as an umbrella, reporting all hours used within that engagement by any workspace. It is really handy for getting a bird's eye view of your utilization when you have multiple workspaces with us.

Note: Work can also be done only on the engagement level. For example, strategic meetings about all or multiple workspaces is reported only on this level, not in any of the workspaces.

I changed from Monthly to Quarterly display option, why is the the utilization the same?

Monthly and Quarterly are display options for the data that you have selected in the date picker. They simply show the same data out in different granularity. E.g. if you select a whole year’s worth of data, in one case you are shown 12 columns and 4 columns in the other. The underlying data that is shown is still the same.

Note: Our reports align to calendar months and calendar quarters, which may differ from periods outlined in your contracts.

I see also the older task types visible that aren't described in the Testlio work taxonomy. Will these disappear after some time?

No. You can use the Utilization Report to go back in time and see your time usage trends over time. As we historically used different taxonomies, we honor the categorizations that we used and billed for. These are retained as a historic record.

Is data for archived workspaces shown on the engagement-level utilization report?

Yes. If you select a long time period during which your engagement had Workspaces that are now archived, you can still see their historic hours utilization. Hours from all archived workspaces are displayed in a single aggregated form, but you can still drill down to task types within that grouping.

What do the percentage graphs show?

The graphs show the ratio of different activity types. Meaning, the total is all work done in that workspace over the selected period of time. This does not make any reference to the total hours included in your contract or how much of them is utilized.

I only have 1 workspace with Testlio, why do I need the Engagement level report?

If you have only 1 workspace and 1 engagement with us, we still offer you our full capabilities. If you get all of the info you need from the Workspace level report and don’t want to go to the engagement level, that’s great. If you should later have more than one workspace with us, you already know what the engagement level report is and how to find it, which is even better.

Note: Certain Testlio services team members will be billing at the engagement level & not necessarily any workspace due to the strategic nature of their work, so it’s best to look at the engagement view to get a holistic picture for a breakdown of hours. Please see here for more

What’s the difference between Utilized in the Engagement Overview at the top of the page and Total at the bottom of the page?

The Engagement Overview always lists the periods based on your contract. So if you have a monthly subscription, the periods there are in monthly intervals. If you have a quarterly contract, the periods are listed accordingly.

When you change the date picker, the contract periods that overlap with the selected time are shown and the totals for those periods are also shown in the Engagement overview.

The bottom only shows data for exactly the range selected in the date picker. E.g. if you have a monthly subscription, you can select 5-10 August from date picker and the Engagement Overview shows utilisation for all of August contract, but the Activity Summary only shows the data and total for the days from 5th to 10th of August

Why can I see this report & my colleague can’t?

Utilization report is available to all users from our clients' organizations who are either in the Coordinator, Observer, or Admin role. If your colleagues aren't able to see the report, please make sure they are in a role that has access to this module. Find out more about adding and managing team members here.

I’m seeing a different number for Utilized hours than what I was billed for. What should I do?

Utilization reports are updated daily and some lower-cadence processes may not always be aligned. If you are seeing any differences that you may not expect, please reach out to your Engagement Manager with any specific utilization or billing related questions.

How can I find the Engagement level report?

To get to the engagement level report, simply:

  1. Navigate to the Reports module in any workspace.

  2. Click on Utilization Report from the secondary menu

  3. Under "Engagement Overview" click on the "View >" link after "Looking for a summary across all workspaces?"

What kind of activities does Testlio carry out for me?

We categorize our activities in "Automated Testing", "Manual testing", and "Client Services". You can click on these categories in both the Workspace and Engagement level report to see a full breakdown of specific task types according to our work taxonomy.

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