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Freelancer Recommendations

See the options to continue building a group after you've set filtering criteria.

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over a month ago

Once you've set the filtering criteria based on your testing requirements and click Recommend Freelancers, you see a list of recommended people with a summary of your chosen filtering criteria. Each person has the following information:

  • Personal information: Their name, location, and local time.

  • Rating: Their rating across all workspaces.

  • Experience: How many years they have been involved in software testing.

  • Devices: How many devices they own.

  • Rate: How much they make per hour.

To get more information, click a row to see their full profile.

Select Freelancers

To include all recommended freelancers in your group, select the checkbox at the top of the table to select all freelancers.

To include only some of the recommended freelancers in your group, select the checkbox under each person's avatar.

To see more recommendations, click More Freelancers. You can also increase the number of recommendations that appear.

If you don't see any recommendations, double-check your filters and try adjusting them. If you still get no results, please contact us at

Create the Group

Once you have selected all of the freelancers you want, click Create group of X (where X is the number of people you've selected).

Any selected freelancers who aren't already in the workspace get an invitation to join the workspace. All of the freelancers are added to the group.

The following video goes through building a group from recommended freelancers:

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