Signal-driven testing is focused on taking various data sources and using intelligent rules to detect quality signals quickly and concisely to resolve quality issues that matter to end users. Signals incorporate event sources, detection rules, mapped actions, and notifications.
Modify Rules
Once your rules have started generating signals, you may find you want to change their behavior. To do, follow these steps:
In the workspace with your rules, click Signals > Rules.
Click the rule you want to modify.
Choose one of the options to modify the rule.
Edit: Change any rule settings or delete the rule entirely.
Set live: For rules not live, start generating signals.
Pause: For live rules, stop generating signals.
Any changes you make affect what signals are generated going forward.
Add Slack Notifications
To respond quickly to quality signals, add notifications in Slack. If you create a notification setting that includes new signals as events, you get notifications whenever a signal is created. If you find you are getting too many notifications, modify your rules to create signals less frequently.