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Testlio Chat

See how to communicate with other TestLions in channels dedicated to specific workspaces and runs.

Aaron Collier avatar
Written by Aaron Collier
Updated over a week ago

Testlio Chat is an integrated communication tool designed to keep Testlio testing teams and freelance QA/QE experts connected in real time. It enables communication and collaboration directly within the Testlio platform. With automatically generated workspace- and run-specific channels, it enables teams to stay aligned during testing. Additionally, 1-on-1 chats allow for direct, private conversations between team members.

Testlio Chat access is available to any freelancer included in at least one client workspace and to all Testlio testing teams.

Access Chat

Access Testlio Chat directly at (we recommend bookmarking it). Or click your avatar → Chat on the Testlio platform.

Please note that you need to be logged into the Testlio platform to access Chat.

The menu that appears when clicking an avatar, with Chat as the first option.

Chat App

In addition to accessing Chat through the Testlio platform, you can also use an app for iOS or Android.


Get the Android app from Google Play. You can control what notifications you receive for each channel and also choose to only be notified about mentions.

Known Issues with Android App

The following issues are known and have solutions planned:

  • Users may be logged out but still receive notifications.

  • Manually logging out can create issues. If you must log out manual, reinstall the app to log in again.

If you come across any other issues or have other suggestions, please report them in the Testlio Community.


Get the iOS app (only available through the link). You can control what notifications you receive for each channel and also choose to only be notified about mentions.

If you come across any issues or have suggestions, please report them in the Testlio Community.


There are three types of channels you can be in. Each is created and frozen differently.

Find the channel you want by searching for its name by the list of all channels.

Workspace Channels

Purpose: These channels are intended for general communication about specific workspaces.

Joining: Whenever a workspace is created, all workspace members are automatically added to a workspace channel. Anyone joining a workspace later is added when they join.

Leaving: Anyone who leaves a workspace is automatically removed from the corresponding channel. So each channel remains relevant and only includes active team members. Channels are frozen when workspace is archived.

Name: The name for workspace channels is the workspace name.

Run Channels

Purpose: These channels are used to support the specific run. Any questions related to a specific task (such as questions about tests, issues, functionality) should be asked in the dedicated run channel.

Joining: Temporary run-specific channels are created automatically for each run and remain visible only while the run is active. Once the run finishes, these channels are frozen and hidden from your channels list.

You are automatically added to the run channel as soon as you accept an invite.

Name: Run channels are named based on this pattern: <workspace name> - <run title>. For example, a workspace channel might be Testlio Chat and a run channel in that workspace might be Testlio Chat - Android functional regression.

1-on-1 Chats

Contact members of workspace channels in the workspace chat. The best method depends on where you want to chat.

Sending 1-on-1 chat messages does not trigger notifications unless you also tag the recipient.

On the Web

Open a chat with anyone in the workspace by clicking their profile image.

In a Mobile App

In either Android or iOS, follow these steps:

  1. In the workspace channel, tap the Channel Info button (an i in a circle).

  2. Tap Members.

  3. Tap the name of the person you want to chat with.

Get Notifications

To get notified about new replies, mentions, and other important messages, turn on notifications.

For mobile apps, make sure the app has permission to send notifications (iOS, Android).

For web, take the right steps for your browser:

If you aren’t getting notifications, make sure your browser has permission to send notifications (macOS, Windows) and that you’re not in Focus/Do not disturb mode.

Choose Which Notifications To Get

By default, notifications are on for all channels. You can change your preferences for each channel:

  1. Open the channel where you want to set your notification preferences.

  2. Click the Channel Info button (an i in a circle).

  3. On mobile apps, tap Notifications.

  4. Choose what notifications to get:

    • Default: The default for all channels (can be changed).

    • All: Get notifications of any new messages in the channel or its threads.

    • Mention Only: Only get notified if someone mentions you.

    • Off: Get no notifications from the channel.

Change Default Notification Preferences

You can set what notifications you get by default.

This setting is overridden by any settings in a channel. So you could set your general preference to get no notifications and only turn them for in important channels.

To set what notifications you get by default, follow these steps:

  1. Access the notification settings:

    • On a mobile app, in the list of channels, tap ⋮ → Notifications.

    • On the web, click your name at the top left.

  2. Choose what notifications to get:

    • All Mew Messages: Get notifications of any new messages in channels or threads.

    • Mentions Only: Only get notified if someone mentions you.

    • Off: Get no notifications.

Find Specific Messages

You can search channels for specific messages:

  1. Open the channel you want to search.

  2. Click 🔍 (Search).

  3. In the search box, enter the term you want to search for.

  4. In the list of results, click the message.

If the message is in the main channel, the window scrolls to the message. You can also copy a link to it.

If the message is in the thread you will be navigated to this specific thread.

Liven Up Your Chats

In any channel, you can make the chat more engaging and useful.

Mention Others

Mention any workspace member by entering @ followed by their name. Use @all and @here to notify everyone in the channel (only use if necessary).

React with Emoji

To improve clarity and streamline communication, use a set of simple emoji to quickly convey status updates and decisions. Each emoji has a specific, standardized meaning, helping everyone stay aligned and informed at a glance.

  • Check: ✅ (Done)

  • Eyes: 👀 (Seen/In Progress)

  • Plus: ➕ (Agree/Approve)

  • Minus: ➖ (Decline/Disapprove)

Start Threads

Start a thread by hovering over a message and selecting ⋮ (Context Menu) → Reply in thread.

Add Attachments

Send and receive screenshots, logs, and other files directly through the chat. The maximum file size for uploads is 25 MB.

Copy Links to Messages

Only in the web app, you can copy direct links to messages to share with others. Next to the message you want to link to, click ⋮ → Copy Link.

Edit Messages

If you notice a typo or something that could be clearer after posting a message, you can fix it within 30 minutes of posting.

  • On a mobile app, long-press the message you want to edit.

  • On the web, next to the message, click ⋮.

Then click Edit and make the changes you want.

After 30 minutes has passed, you can no longer edit or delete the message.

Known Limitations

  • Only a limited set of emoji are available.

  • You can only open a 1-on-1 chat with someone in your workspace.

  • Sending 1-on-1 messages does not trigger notifications unless a user is tagged.


  • How to access workspace and run channels?

    • Access Testlio Chat directly at or by clicking your avatar → Chat on the Testlio platform.

  • When do I need to use a workspace channel and when do I use a run channel?

    • Run channel: For all communication related to a specific run (such as questions about tests, issues, functionality).

    • Workspace channel: For all communication not related to a specific run.

  • How can I differentiate between workspace and run channels?

    • By the name. Both types of channels have the workspace name. Run channels also have the run title: <workspace name> - <run title>

    • For example, a workspace channel might be Testlio Chat and a run channel in that workspace might be Testlio Chat - Functional regression test.

  • How can I contact the Test Lead (TL), Testing Coordinator (TC), or Testing Manager (TM) in the Chat?

    • You can start a 1-on-1 chat the Channel Info button (an i in a circle) and then ⋮ (Options) → Chat next to the TL, TC, or TM.

    • Please note that you can chat only with people who are in the workspace.

  • Why is Testlio Chat stuck in infinite loading?

    • At the moment, you can only use two active chat tabs at the same time. So if you have already opened Testlio Chat in two separate tabs, you can't open a new Testlio Chat tab. We recommend keeping only one tab open to monitor only your active test run.


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