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What are Profiles and where to find one?

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over a week ago

Profile is a detailed overview of each and every freelancer in the Testlio network. Profiles include information provided by the freelancer, such as:

  • Skills

  • Payment methods

  • Industries

  • Experience

  • Languages

  • Devices

  • Availability

It also includes information added automatically, such as:

  • Certification and courses completed

  • Rating

  • Location

  • Time

Profiles equip you with detailed information about each freelancer to better match freelancers with tasks. It also gives you an overview of how each freelancer is performing.

Profiles consist of three main tabs: About, Devices, and Availability.

  • About: General information about the freelancer along with their rating across all workspaces they are part of.

  • Devices: An overview of the devices a Tester owns.

  • Availability: An overview of the freelancer's availability for the week. It shows how many hours of work they've already accepted each day out of their available hours as well as the total hours for the week.

Example of Freelancer Profile

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