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Verify Your Phone Number

Have you requested a phone number verification but not received the text message for it? This might be the result of different mishaps.

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over 2 months ago

Everyone who joins the Testlio Platform needs to have a verified phone number. You add and verify your phone number during registration or later on your Profile page.

Select your country's phone code from the available list and enter your phone number.

You can find your country's phone code either by entering your phone code (such as +372 for Estonia) or the ALPHA-2 country code (such as EE for Estonia).

Reasons for Rejection

A phone number could be rejected for one of the following reasons:

  • Format: If the number was entered in an incorrect format, it is rejected with an error message.

  • Duplication: If an account with that number already exists in the Testlio Platform, you are prompted to recover your existing account rather than creating a new one. As stated in the Freelancer Services Agreement, your can have only one account on the Testlio Platform.


Tips if you're not receiving the verification SMS:

  • Double-check and make sure you have entered the correct phone number.

  • Some phone operators block incoming text messages, try contacting your phone operator.

  • SMS apps often have Spam folders.

    • If possible, add our number (+14156882231) to known contacts or any allow list your phone has.

    • Send a message to our number (+14156882231) so that your messaging app & carrier know it’s a trusted number.

  • The carrier may have an error and the text message may not have been sent out successfully. Feel free to contact our support ( if you have unsuccessfully tried to verify yourself 5 times in 24 hours.


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