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Issue Workflow

See what happens to your issue after you report it.

Aaron Collier avatar
Written by Aaron Collier
Updated over 2 months ago

Once you have reported an issue, its status is set to Identified. This means it is waiting for approval from a coordinator (sometimes already from the client).

Once a coordinator has read the issue report, they change its status to one of two options:

  • Approved: The issue is accepted and sent to the client to be addressed.

  • Rejected: The issue is not sent to the client for one of a few reasons.

    • If the resolution is on the list of unaccepted resolutions, this affects your rating, giving you feedback on what to work on. If the resolution isn't on the list, the rating is unaffected.

After this step, tester ratings do not change based on what happens to the issue.

Clients are sent all approved issues. They can then optionally send an issue for fixed issue verification and its status is set to In Verification.

Once an issue is ready, its status is changed to one of two options:

  • Addressed: The issue has been addressed and should not reappear.

  • Refused: The client will not address the issue for some reason (such as they already had a fix prepared, just not in the tested build). This does not affect tester ratings.

Issues can be reopened. If their status was Rejected, the new status is set to Identified on reopening. Otherwise, it is set to Approved.

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