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What are ratings? Why are ratings needed? Where can you find your rating?

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over 2 months ago

What Ratings Are and Why They're Needed

All Testlio freelance testers are evaluated via a rating system. The rating includes the following metrics:

  • Issue Acceptance: % of issues accepted by Coordinator

  • Run Attendance: % of accepted runs completed

  • High Priority Issues: % of issues that have been approved as high severity issues

  • Invite Response: % of invites that result in a response (accept or decline)

  • Issues Per Hour: # of approved issues per hour

Freelance testers get rated on a scale of 0-100 to help guide them on pathways of growth and mastery. Ratings are relative to engagement attributes, weighting and correcting key parameters for the nuances of different testing initiatives.

What Counts for Issue Acceptance

An issue counts as not accepted if it is closed for any of the following reasons without prior approval:

  • Duplicate

  • Works as Designed

  • Out of scope

  • Invalid

This means other reasons for closing don't affect the rating. For example, if the task changes after the issue is created, the issue may closed with the reason "Spec change" and this does not affect the creator's rating.

Where To Find Ratings

For Workspace Admins and Coordinators

Ratings can be found in the Teams module:

  • When viewing your workspace team:

    • Clicking a tester's name shows their full profile with the overall rating along with individuals metrics.

    • Accessing the "Testers" list view displays the workspace-specific rating.

  • When using the recommendation algorithm while building a new or expanding an existing group.

For Freelance Testers

Your rating can be found in your Testlio Platform dashboard or when accessing your profile overview page.


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