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Monitor Manual Testers
Aaron Collier avatar
Written by Aaron Collier
Updated over a month ago

The Manual Testing section of the People report focuses on tester participation and geographical distribution, offering insights into the tester contributions and regional representation.

Indicators about manual testers in the Testlio platform.


What It Tracks

What Signals it Might Bring


The total number of testers that started at least one manual testing task during the period. Automatically compares with how many testers started a task during the prior period.

This metric tracks overall participation, signaling trends in tester engagement.

  • An increase may indicate increased testing needs.

  • A decline could highlight resource gaps or shifts in scope.

Tester Countries

The number of countries with at least one tester during the period. Automatically compares with the number of countries during the prior period.

This metric reflects geographical coverage.

  • More countries, representing a broad testing spread, may be beneficial for localization testing.

  • Fewer countries, representing concentrated coverage, could indicate reliance on specific regions.

Average Testers per Country

The average number of testers in each country. Automatically compares with the average during the prior period.

This metric offers insight into regional distribution and tester density. It also signals regional distribution balance.

  • Uneven densities may point to opportunities for optimizing geographical reach or reallocating resources.

This indicator is also great for identifying localization needs and ensuring resources are allocated as needed.

World Map & Testers by Country

The geographical distribution of testers, displayed on a world map, with larger circles representing more testers in the given country. The same data is given in the list Testers by country.

These indicators highlightt tester concentrations, aiding decisions on balancing geographical representation and identifying areas to expand tester networks.

Issues by Tester

Data on issues reported by each tester: the number reported, approval rate, fixed rates, and distribution by severity level (high, medium, low).

This indicator highlights individual contributions to issue discovery and resolution.

  • Many reported issues with balanced approval and fixing rates indicate effective testing.

  • Disparities in rates could be a signal of training or strategy gaps.

Tests Executed by Tester

The number of tests completed by each tester.

This indicator provides insights into tester productivity and focus.

  • High activity may highlight key contributors.

  • Uneven contributions could point to the need for workload adjustments or scope evaluation.

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