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Escaped Issues
Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over 4 weeks ago

"Escaped Issues" represent a crucial challenge in the feedback loops of testing. In the Testlio platform, these issues are identified when they bypass our standard testing procedures. As a result, we empower both our clients and service delivery coordinators to highlight these overlooked problems. It's essential to note that the process for addressing Escaped Issues in the Testlio platform is distinct from that of routine issues reported by freelancers or clients during their testing efforts. In our system, Escaped Issues are documented, monitored, and managed separately.

Report an Escaped Issue

Go to the appropriate workspace on the platform → Issues → Select New Escaped Issue.

The button for New Escaped Issue in the Testlio platform.

A new modal is raised with key information to fill in.

The New Escaped Issue form includes the title, description, found date, reported date, and other fields.

You can report an escaped issue with these basic flow fields:






A brief title of the escaped issue in the failure-when style. This helps to understand the context of the particular issue when reviewing the issues list



A detailed description of the issue including any applicable links or reference information (if possible, attach the email [without disclosing PII] or screenshots of communication)

Found Date


The date issue occurred and came to be known to the customer. We distinguish between found and reported dates to understand the delay it takes often to notify Testlio.

Reported Date


The date escaped issue was reported to Testlio.

Link to issue


URL reference to the same escaped issue in an external system. Use full URL (http://.. )

Attach file


Optional field to collect reference materials - like recordings, logs

Advanced options offer more needed fields and information in order to resolve and close an escaped issue, complementing the basic flow fields:




Affected application


If we are testing multiple applications within a workspace, please fill in the application’s name that the escaped issue affects.



Define the original source of the discovered escaped issue:

  • Manual testing – Manual testing conducted by Testlio.

  • Automated testing – Automated testing conducted by Testlio.

  • Audit – One of various regulated reviews (WCAG, SOC2, SSPA) lead to compliance or other issues.

  • Client – A stakeholder from the client reported the issue (for example, when an employee detects a potential issue while using the product regularly or a QA team member detects an issue during their testing). Applies also to scenarios where client automation detected the issue. Note: If it was an end user, the source should be Review or Support.

  • Monitoring – The issue came from crash analytics (such as Instabug), performance monitoring (such as New Relic), and other monitoring systems/tools.

  • Review – An end user provided feedback about a potential issue on a third-party site such as the Apple Store or G2.

  • Study – A project (such as moderated usability flow review) identified a potential issue.

  • Support – An end user reported the issue to customer support.



Name of the person who noticed and captured the issue (typically our customer)



Run where we should have caught the issue / where the customer expected us to catch the issue. Mark the earliest run



Task with which the escaped issue should have been discovered



There can be more than one driver, select all that apply:

  • Limited Coverage

  • Build Delivery

  • Issue Escalation

  • Issue Remediation

  • Team Onboarding

  • Testing Instructions

  • Testing Methodology

  • Insufficient Testing

  • Misaligned Testing

  • Misrepresented Testing




Severity between Low / Medium / High (use the same reasoning as we have by default on our platform)

Affected feature


Select the feature that the escaped issue affects (same as for any other issue report)



Device/configuration on which the issue appeared

Resolved Date

The date when the analysis is fully completed and remediation steps done

Root Cause Description


Bring out if it was:

  • Testlio-side error

  • Client-side error

This will be completed after investigation and should include details about why the issue escaped

Remediation Description


Details on how the problem was addressed. This should include how we addressed this with the client (credits, etc) and how we will prevent this in the future (added test cases, reported tester, etc).



Labels for future filtering or custom tracking

Note – required fields in the above-advanced field table represent needed fields to close an issue, not required fields to report an escaped issue.

Explanation of drivers



General Source


Process Integration

Limited Coverage


Devices, locations, languages, and/or other aspects of coverage were not tested, because of: 1) scope/budget; 2) a decision based on focus; and 3) a misunderstanding.

Process Integration

Build Delivery


The customer provided an unanticipated or problematic build (including a web environment). Can include building access and sample data problems. Also includes lack of build receipt.

Process Integration

Issue Escalation


Issues discovered were not clearly presented to the correct action source.

Process Integration

Issue Remediation


Issues were not resolved sufficiently before the production release.

Test Preparation

Team Onboarding


Testers, Coordinators, Scripters, and/or other participants were not sufficiently skilled, trained, or equipped to perform key tasks. This can include poor selection decisions.

Test Preparation

Testing Instructions


The Run Instructions, Test Case, and/or other directions were problematic. This can include missing tests.

Test Preparation

Testing Methodology


Testing techniques (e.g. functional v exploratory, positive v negative) were poorly selected, badly designed, and/or weakly implemented.

Testing Execution

Insufficient Testing


Unintentional missed issue. Tester did the work by following instructions but did not "see" the issue, potentially because of fatigue, misunderstanding, miscommunication, limited time, or other problems.

Testing Execution

Misaligned Testing


The tester did not follow the instructions given in the task potentially due to lack of attention, sloppiness, or other factors, resulting in a wrong testing setup or incorrect testing scenarios.

Testing Execution

Misrepresented Testing


Intentional breach of Freelancer Agreement. Tester knowingly misrepresented their work (e.g. false passes), location, equipment, skills, time, or other factors (can include tester subcontracting work to someone else and/or parallel testing).

Close an Escaped Issue

Once an escaped issue is recorded and remediation completed, then closing the issue follows the same model as the regular issue. When closing issues, ensure that all required fields are completed and if possible, also collect optional data fields for greater impact on future testing loops and learnings.

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