Node Installation
If you don’t have homebrew then install homebrew first.
Steps to install homebrew:
Open terminal
Run the following command: `
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"`If the terminal prompts for the root password, please provide a root password
Step to install Node
Open terminal
Run the following command:
`brew install node`
To check node has been installed properly, use the following command:
`node -v`, it should display the version of node
Environment Setup:
IOS Setup:
Move to the location `/Users/<user-name>/.appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent`
Open the following xcode project in xcode, by right click and select Xcode
Click Xcode, then Preferences, then accounts, then `+` icon as shown below
Select `Apple iD` and click `Continue`
Enter your `Apple ID` and click `Next`
Close preferences window, Select `WebDriverAgent` from sidebar, then `WebDriverAgentRunner` from Targets, then `Signing and Capabilities`
Select account you added previously, from `Team`
Click `Building Settings`, then type `Bundle id` then type some unique value for `Product Bundle Identifier`, since this value is should be unique to Apple registry so we need to put some highly unusual string like `com.facebook.WebDriverAgent234324sdfd`
Click `Signing and Capabilities` tab on top and then, check that `Product Bundle Identifier` has been accepted
Select `WebDriverAgentRunner` as scheme
Select attached physical device
Select `Product` from Top menu bar, and then, select `Test`
We will get this error message, click `OK`
Go to iOS Device settings, tap `General`, then `VPN & Device Management`, under `DEVELOPER APP`, tap `Apple Management:<your-apple-id>`, then tap trust, and trust on the prompt
Again click `Product>Test`, device will prompt to enter pass code, on providing that, it will start running `Web driver agent` on your device
Run command `brew install mobiledevice`
Run command `mobiledevice install_app </path-to-ipa>`
Now, app will be installed on you device, then you need to trust the developer like we did above for `WebDriverAgent`
Run command `mobiledevice list_devices’, this will give your device udid, copy that
Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop ProductVersion` to get the iOS version
Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop DeviceName` to get device name
Open terminal, cd to your project folder, run `chmod a+x ./`
Then, `./`, after some time, `Web driver agent` will be active on your device, and your Mac, will get something like this on your terminal
Copy WebDriverAgent url, as marked in red above
Run command `appium -pa /wd/hub`
Open another terminal, run command
npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --mobileDevicePlatform=ios --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=<ios_version> --udid=<device-udid> --bundleID=<app-bundle-id> --deviceId=<device-id> --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot
Android Setup:
Download Android Studio from
Install it and also, download different components like Android sdk
Run command `open ~/.zshrc`, put the path your Android sdk path as below under ANDROID_HOME environment variable as below, please check that on path `/Users/<user-name>/Library/Android/sdk, all android binaries as adb, aapt are present
Add the following lines as below
Connect an android device or start an emulator
Run command `adb install <path-to-apk>, to install app on your device or emulator
Run command `adb devices` to get device name as below
Run command `adb shell getprop` to get android version
Cd to your test project folder and run command to run test-
npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatform=android --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=10 --appPackage="app-package-id" --appLaunchActivity="app-launch-activity" --deviceId="your_android_device_id" --allureResults='./allure-results' -–appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot
Framework Installation:
Please download the framework from GitHub URL provided by your co-ordinator
Check that your X-Code is downloaded and active in /Applications folder, if it is installed in some other location, use the following command to switch: `sudo xcode-select -switch Path/to/`
If Python 3.x is not installed, then install it using: `brew install python@3.9`
Run the following command: `brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib librsvg`
Now, run the following command to install the framework:
Open Terminal
Change your directory path to the folder in which the framework has been downloaded:
`cd path/to/framework`
run the following command
`npm install`
Appium Installation
Install appium version 2.0(Beta) : - `npm install -g appium@next`
Install xcuitest driver : - `appium driver install xcuitest`
Install uiautomator2 driver : - `appium driver install uiautomator2`
To run a sample desktop web test:
It is not necessary to use selenium standalone for webdriverio V8. But for troubleshooting, follow the below step if test does not run properly on your browser.
Open a terminal tab in the same folder, run the following command:
`npm install selenium-standalone --save-dev npx selenium-standalone install && npx selenium-standalone start`
When the terminal prompts `Selenium start` you are good to go with desktop web test
Now, come to the second terminal tab in the same folder, run the following command
`npm test -- --executiontype=web --provider=local --browser=chrome –allureResults='./allure-results`
The same command can be used to run any test Desktop web test
To run the sample Android run
Install appium, if not installed, using command
`npm install -g appium`
Open a terminal tab, run appium
Open a different terminal tab in the folder, where the framework is present, and run the following command:
`npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatform=android --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=10 --appPackage="com.grewon.testlio" --appLaunchActivity="com.grewon.testlio.splash.SplashActivity" --deviceId="your_android_device_id" --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot`
The same command can be used to run Android mobile Test
To run the sample iOS run
Run command
`brew install mobiledevice`
Run command
`mobiledevice install_app </path-to-ipa>`
Now, app will be installed on you device, then you need to trust the developer like we did above for `WebDriverAgent`
Run command
`mobiledevice list_devices’
, this will give your device udid, copy thatRun command
`mobiledevice get_device_prop ProductVersion`
to get the iOS versionRun command
`mobiledevice get_device_prop DeviceName`
to get device nameOpen terminal, cd to your project folder, run
`chmod a+x ./`
after some time, `Web driver agent` will be active on your device, and your Mac, will get something like this on your terminalCopy WebDriverAgent url, as marked in red above
Run command
`appium -pa /wd/hub`
Open another terminal, run command
npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --mobileDevicePlatform=ios --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=<ios_version> --udid=<device-udid> --bundleID=<app-bundle-id> --deviceId=<device-id> --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot --wdaUrl=<wdaUrl>
Tests need to be put in the `tests` folder relative to the `MasterSuite.ts` class, if the test is meant for Mobile, then make a folder `mobile` under the `tests` folder, put the test there, if they belong to ‘Desktop-Web`, then make a `web` folder under `tests`, then put it there.
Then you have maintained it in the `suite.xlsx` file like the following:
If it belongs to a specific project, already mentioned in the `Project` sheet, then there should be a Sheet named on that project, open that sheet, make the entries like this:
Then, in the `Test Case Description` column, give the test case description to the test case, then in the `Test Case` column put the relative path of the test case with respect to MasterSuite.ts, Give `Status` to the test case, if you want to run it, then make `Status` to `RUN`, otherwise put `NO`, If you want to add `Username’ and `Password`, then put the Values.
In a test case, you need to initialize the driver, as follows before block:
Then, after the block, delete the session as follow:
You can add multiple it blocks if test case is long
If testcase belongs to a project, which is not been added to the `Project` suite yet,
Put the Project name in the `Project Name` column, Give the `Run Mode`, as `RUN`, if you want to run the project, or `NO` if you don’t want to run it. Mention `Platform` as `WEB` or `MOBILE`, depending project is for Web or Mobile
Add a sheet in `suites.xlsx` with the exact name of a project created above, suppose you have mentioned a project above as `ABCTest`, then add a sheet named `ABCTest`
In the newly added sheet, you can add your test, as detailed above
We have two excel sheets i.e. AppObjectRepository.xlsx (for Web) and AppObjsRepository_mobile.xlsx (for Mobile), managing locators/selectors for apps
The first, start with Web locators. They will be in AppObjectRepository.xlsx, you need to Add ElementName under the `ElementName` column and locator under the `Locators` column (How to create a selector for WDIO, please see here: Create selectors
If the page name is not already there, please add a separate excel sheet with that page name
For mobile, locators will be in AppObjsRepository_mobile.xlsx, we need to have separate locators for iOS and Android as follows:
If a locator for any element on a particular platform is not required, mark that column `not_applied`
For each page in Web App, or for each screen in the Mobile app, there should be one corresponding page/screen class in the codebase
Page class for the Web app should extend the Webpage class, whereas Screen class for the Mobile app should extend the Mobile screen class as follow:
Chunks for the Web app and Widgets for the Mobile app should be defined in chunks and Widgets folders respectively
Page and Screen classes should have all the elements defined in the appObjsRepository excel sheet as follow:
Whereas variable name and key for getting locator, should be same as element name as the corresponding ElementName in appObjsReposatory
Page and Screen classes should have all the methods operating on those elements
Package for the Platform
Run the command
`npm run package`
A zip file like the following will be generated in the root folder: