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JavaScript Installation Guide
Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over 4 months ago


Node Installation

If you don’t have homebrew then install homebrew first.

Steps to install homebrew:

Step to install Node

  • Open terminal

  • Run the following command: `brew install node`

  • To check node has been installed properly, use the following command: `node -v`, it should display the version of node

Environment Setup:

IOS Setup:

  • Move to the location `/Users/<user-name>/.appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent`

  • Open the following xcode project in xcode, by right click and select Xcode

  • Click Xcode, then Preferences, then accounts, then `+` icon as shown below

  • Select `Apple iD` and click `Continue`

  • Enter your `Apple ID` and click `Next`

  • Enter `Password` and click `Next`

  • Validate Code if presented

  • Account will be added

  • Close preferences window, Select `WebDriverAgent` from sidebar, then `WebDriverAgentRunner` from Targets, then `Signing and Capabilities`

  • Select account you added previously, from `Team`

  • Click `Building Settings`, then type `Bundle id` then type some unique value for `Product Bundle Identifier`, since this value is should be unique to Apple registry so we need to put some highly unusual string like `com.facebook.WebDriverAgent234324sdfd`

  • Click `Signing and Capabilities` tab on top and then, check that `Product Bundle Identifier` has been accepted

  • Select `WebDriverAgentRunner` as scheme

  • Select attached physical device

  • Select `Product` from Top menu bar, and then, select `Test`

  • We will get this error message, click `OK`

  • Go to iOS Device settings, tap `General`, then `VPN & Device Management`, under `DEVELOPER APP`, tap `Apple Management:<your-apple-id>`, then tap trust, and trust on the prompt

  • Again click `Product>Test`, device will prompt to enter pass code, on providing that, it will start running `Web driver agent` on your device

  • Run command `brew install mobiledevice`

  • Run command `mobiledevice install_app </path-to-ipa>`

  • Now, app will be installed on you device, then you need to trust the developer like we did above for `WebDriverAgent`

  • Run command `mobiledevice list_devices’, this will give your device udid, copy that

  • Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop ProductVersion` to get the iOS version

  • Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop DeviceName` to get device name

  • Open terminal, cd to your project folder, run `chmod a+x ./`

  • Then, `./`, after some time, `Web driver agent` will be active on your device, and your Mac, will get something like this on your terminal

  • Copy WebDriverAgent url, as marked in red above

  • Run command `appium -pa /wd/hub`

  • Open another terminal, run command

    npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --mobileDevicePlatform=ios --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=<ios_version> --udid=<device-udid> --bundleID=<app-bundle-id> --deviceId=<device-id> --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot

Android Setup:

  • Download Android Studio from

  • Install it and also, download different components like Android sdk

  • Run command `open ~/.zshrc`, put the path your Android sdk path as below under ANDROID_HOME environment variable as below, please check that on path `/Users/<user-name>/Library/Android/sdk, all android binaries as adb, aapt are present

  • Add the following lines as below

  • Connect an android device or start an emulator

  • Run command `adb install <path-to-apk>, to install app on your device or emulator

  • Run command `adb devices` to get device name as below

  • Run command `adb shell getprop` to get android version

  • Cd to your test project folder and run command to run test-

    npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatform=android --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=10 --appPackage="app-package-id" --appLaunchActivity="app-launch-activity" --deviceId="your_android_device_id" --allureResults='./allure-results' -–appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot

Framework Installation:

Please download the framework from GitHub URL provided by your co-ordinator

Check that your X-Code is downloaded and active in /Applications folder, if it is installed in some other location, use the following command to switch: `sudo xcode-select -switch Path/to/`

If Python 3.x is not installed, then install it using: `brew install python@3.9`

Run the following command: `brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib librsvg`

Now, run the following command to install the framework:

  • Open Terminal

  • Change your directory path to the folder in which the framework has been downloaded: `cd path/to/framework`

  • run the following command `npm install`

Appium Installation

  • Install appium version 2.0(Beta) : - `npm install -g appium@next`

  • Install xcuitest driver : - `appium driver install xcuitest`

  • Install uiautomator2 driver : - `appium driver install uiautomator2`

To run a sample desktop web test:

  • It is not necessary to use selenium standalone for webdriverio V8. But for troubleshooting, follow the below step if test does not run properly on your browser.

  • Open a terminal tab in the same folder, run the following command: `npm install selenium-standalone --save-dev npx selenium-standalone install && npx selenium-standalone start`

  • When the terminal prompts `Selenium start` you are good to go with desktop web test

  • Now, come to the second terminal tab in the same folder, run the following command `npm test -- --executiontype=web --provider=local --browser=chrome –allureResults='./allure-results`

  • The same command can be used to run any test Desktop web test

To run the sample Android run

  • Install appium, if not installed, using command `npm install -g appium`

  • Open a terminal tab, run appium

  • Open a different terminal tab in the folder, where the framework is present, and run the following command:

    `npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatform=android --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=10 --appPackage="com.grewon.testlio" --appLaunchActivity="com.grewon.testlio.splash.SplashActivity" --deviceId="your_android_device_id" --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot`

  • The same command can be used to run Android mobile Test

To run the sample iOS run

  • Run command `brew install mobiledevice`

  • Run command `mobiledevice install_app </path-to-ipa>`

  • Now, app will be installed on you device, then you need to trust the developer like we did above for `WebDriverAgent`

  • Run command `mobiledevice list_devices’, this will give your device udid, copy that

  • Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop ProductVersion` to get the iOS version

  • Run command `mobiledevice get_device_prop DeviceName` to get device name

  • Open terminal, cd to your project folder, run `chmod a+x ./`

  • Then, `./`, after some time, `Web driver agent` will be active on your device, and your Mac, will get something like this on your terminal

  • Copy WebDriverAgent url, as marked in red above

  • Run command `appium -pa /wd/hub`

  • Open another terminal, run command

    npm test -- --executiontype=mobile-native --mobileDevicePlatform=ios --provider=local --mobileDevicePlatformVersion=<ios_version> --udid=<device-udid> --bundleID=<app-bundle-id> --deviceId=<device-id> --allureResults='./allure-results' –appiumScreenshotPath=screenshot  --wdaUrl=<wdaUrl>


Tests need to be put in the `tests` folder relative to the `MasterSuite.ts` class, if the test is meant for Mobile, then make a folder `mobile` under the `tests` folder, put the test there, if they belong to ‘Desktop-Web`, then make a `web` folder under `tests`, then put it there.

Then you have maintained it in the `suite.xlsx` file like the following:

  • If it belongs to a specific project, already mentioned in the `Project` sheet, then there should be a Sheet named on that project, open that sheet, make the entries like this:

  • Then, in the `Test Case Description` column, give the test case description to the test case, then in the `Test Case` column put the relative path of the test case with respect to MasterSuite.ts, Give `Status` to the test case, if you want to run it, then make `Status` to `RUN`, otherwise put `NO`, If you want to add `Username’ and `Password`, then put the Values.

  • In a test case, you need to initialize the driver, as follows before block:

  • Then, after the block, delete the session as follow:

  • You can add multiple it blocks if test case is long

  • If testcase belongs to a project, which is not been added to the `Project` suite yet,

  • Put the Project name in the `Project Name` column, Give the `Run Mode`, as `RUN`, if you want to run the project, or `NO` if you don’t want to run it. Mention `Platform` as `WEB` or `MOBILE`, depending project is for Web or Mobile

  • Add a sheet in `suites.xlsx` with the exact name of a project created above, suppose you have mentioned a project above as `ABCTest`, then add a sheet named `ABCTest`

  • In the newly added sheet, you can add your test, as detailed above


  • We have two excel sheets i.e. AppObjectRepository.xlsx (for Web) and AppObjsRepository_mobile.xlsx (for Mobile), managing locators/selectors for apps

  • The first, start with Web locators. They will be in AppObjectRepository.xlsx, you need to Add ElementName under the `ElementName` column and locator under the `Locators` column (How to create a selector for WDIO, please see here: Create selectors

  • If the page name is not already there, please add a separate excel sheet with that page name

  • For mobile, locators will be in AppObjsRepository_mobile.xlsx, we need to have separate locators for iOS and Android as follows:

  • If a locator for any element on a particular platform is not required, mark that column `not_applied`


  • For each page in Web App, or for each screen in the Mobile app, there should be one corresponding page/screen class in the codebase

  • Page class for the Web app should extend the Webpage class, whereas Screen class for the Mobile app should extend the Mobile screen class as follow:

  • Chunks for the Web app and Widgets for the Mobile app should be defined in chunks and Widgets folders respectively

  • Page and Screen classes should have all the elements defined in the appObjsRepository excel sheet as follow:

Whereas variable name and key for getting locator, should be same as element name as the corresponding ElementName in appObjsReposatory

  • Page and Screen classes should have all the methods operating on those elements

Package for the Platform

  • Run the command `npm run package`

  • A zip file like the following will be generated in the root folder:

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