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Cypress Framework Installation Guide

Installation Guide for Cypress Framework

Doris Sooläte avatar
Written by Doris Sooläte
Updated over 2 years ago


1. Visual Studio Code

2. NPM

3. Cypress

1. Download Visual Studio Code from their official website.

2. Press the “Download for Windows” button on the website to start the download of the Visual Studio Code Application.

3. When the download finishes, then the Visual Studio Code icon appears in the downloads folder.

4. Click on the installer icon to start the installation process of the Visual Studio Code.

5. After the Installer opens, it will ask you for accepting the terms and conditions of the Visual Studio Code. Click on I accept the agreement and then click the Next button.

6. Choose the location data for running the Visual Studio Code. It will then ask you for browsing the location. Then click on Next button.

7. Then it will ask for beginning the installing setup. Click on the Install button.

8. After clicking on Install, it will take about 1 minute to install the Visual Studio Code on your device.

9. After the Installation setup for Visual Studio Code is finished, it will show a window like this below. Tick the “Launch Visual Studio Code” checkbox and then click Next.

10. After the previous step, the Visual Studio Code window opens successfully.

1. Download Visual Studio Code from their official website.

2. After clicking on the Mac option on the download site, it will download a zip file, as shown below:

3. Double-click on the downloaded zip to expand the contents. It will give a file, as shown below:

4. Drag "Visual Studio" to the "Applications" folder, so as it available in the "Launchpad."

5. Double click on the "Visual Studio Code" to open.

6. Add VS Code to your Dock by right-clicking on the icon to bring up the context menu and choosing Options => Keep in Dock.

  1. The most preferred method of installing Visual Code Studio on Debian based systems is by enabling the VS code repository and installing the Visual Studio Code package using the apt package manager.

    $ sudo apt update

  2. Once updated, proceed and install dependencies required by executing.

    $ sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https

  3. Next, using the wget command, download the repository and import Microsoft’s GPG key as shown.

    $ wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor >

    $ sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/

    $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list'

  4. Once you’ve enabled the repository, update the system and install Visual Studio Code by running the command

    $ sudo apt update

    $ sudo apt install code

  5. Due to its size, the installation takes approximately 5 minutes. Once installed, use the application manager to search Visual Code Studio and launch it as shown.

The first step in using Node.js is the installation of the Node.js libraries on the client system. Below are the steps to download and install Node.js in Windows:

Step 1) Download Node.js Installer for Windows

Go to the site and download the necessary binary files.

In our example, we are going to Download Node.js on Windows with the 32-bit setup files.

Step 2) Run the installation

Double click on the downloaded .msi file to start the installation.

Click the Run button on the first screen to begin the installation.

Step 3) Continue with the installation steps

In the next screen, click the “Next” button to continue with the installation.

Step 4) Accept the terms and conditions

In the next screen, accept the license agreement and click on the Next button.

Step 5) Set up the path

In the next screen, choose the location where Node.js needs to be installed and then click on the Next button.

1. First, enter the file location for the installation of Node.js. This is where the files for Node.js will be stored after the installation.

2. Click on the Next button to proceed ahead with the installation.

Step 6) Select the default components to be installed. Accept the default components and click on the Next button.

Step 7) Start the installation

In the next screen, click the Install button to start installing Node.js on Windows.

Step 8) Complete the installation

Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Use the following Homebrew command to install Node & NPM:

    brew install node
  3. Execute the following command to ensure that Node has been installed, it should print the installed Node version:

    node -v
  4. Execute the following command to ensure that Node has been installed, it should print the installed NPM version:

    npm -v

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Use the following command to install Node & NPM:

    sudo apt-get install node
  3. Execute the following command to ensure that Node has been installed, it should print the installed Node version:

    node -v
  4. Execute the following command to ensure that Node has been installed, it should print the installed NPM version:

    npm -v

Install all the required dependencies by executing the below command in terminal/command line :

npm i

This will install all the required dependencies for the project.

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