These indicators in the Tests Report provide a detailed look into how effectively we’re identifying and managing issues throughout the testing process. The issues in these metrics refer only to issues reported as part of test execution, not any reported outside of tests.
Indicator | What It Tracks | What Signals It Might Bring |
New Issues | The total number of new issues identified and approved during the period. Automatically compares to how many issues were found during the same time frame immediately before the period. | This metric helps track trends in issue discovery over time.
Breakdown by Severity | The percentages of approved issues across severity levels (high, medium, low). | The breakdown by status helps confirm that testing efforts are aligned with business needs, ensuring the most important issues are addressed first.
Issues per Run | The average number of issues identified and approved per test run. Automatically compares to the average during the same time frame immediately before the period. | This metric helps gauge how well the testing process is catching problems.
Issues per Hour | The rate at which issues are being identified and approved. Automatically compares to the rate during the same time frame immediately before the period. | This metrics helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the testing pace.
Open Issues | The total number of issues that were created during the period or the prior period and that are still open today. Automatically compares to the equivalent number during the same time frame immediately before the period. | Seeing how many issues are still unresolved can help indicate where ongoing attention is needed.
Open High-Severity Issues | The total number of high-severity issues that were created during the period or the prior period and that are still open today. Automatically compares to the equivalent number during the same time frame immediately before the period. | Internally, the team must prioritize high-severity issues, ensuring that critical system risks are being addressed quickly.
New Issues Chart | A visual representation of newly identified and approved issues by severity (high, medium, and low) and open issues over time. | This chart helps in tracking tends in how the testing process is surfacing critical problems, allowing adjustments to the testing strategy to ensure resources are allocated where they’re needed most.