This article presents a requirement for our freelancers. Failure to follow the process might represent a breach of the Freelancer Services Agreement.
General guidelines:
Every issue title must have the prefix of the feature where the issue occurs (for example [Login] Can not login) unless specified otherwise in the workspace.
Attachments are required. Videos must be high quality, in .mp4 format, under 10 MB, in portrait mode, and match the steps to reproduce.
Logs are mandatory for all functional issues.
Follow the issue template when filling out a report. Make sure you include the correct build, device, and account.
Duplicates, known, and out of scope issues will be rejected.
A good issue report will have:
Correct metadata:
As needed: labels
Clear Title: [Affected feature] Title of the issue
βEnvironment details:
Device and OS:
Testable App version: (Please add the full app version and not just the release number)
Reproducibility rate: (x/y)
βSteps to reproduce
βExpected result
βActual Result
Mandatory attachments:Screen recording (less than 10 MB in .mp4 format)
If necessary: log files (TXT files for console and device logs and HAR files for network logs).